Information supplied by you will be only be used by the BPSC (BELGIAN PHILATELIC STUDY CIRCLE) lawfully, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
We may use your information to provide you with membership services, for example:
- sending you the Journal, newsletters or information pertaining to our activities in writing or by e-mail (or via the website password communicated to you), details of meetings, other occasional news information and subscription renewals.
- to carry out any other obligations arising from your membership subscription.
- contacting you by telephone or email on matters arising directly from your membership or the Journal.
We will not share your data with any other member, organisations or individuals outside the Circle, without your written consent. The only exception will be that the addresses of members on our physical mailing list for journals and other documents (including for instance but not limited to auction lists) will be shared with our printers who print addresses directly onto envelopes and despatched our Journal directly to you. Our printer has agreed that once they have used the current membership list(s) to print off all the address for mailing purposes, they will delete all files containing the personal data from their systems and e-mail us to confirm that this has been done.
We will not sell or pass your data to any third party. The retention periods for personal information will be reviewed annually. We will hold your personal information on a database secured on our website and retained only in the direct ownership of the Circle’s Officers. You can check the information that we hold about you either by accessing your profile on our website via the logon and password communicated to you or by e-mailing us at If you advise us of any inaccuracies we will correct them promptly. If you decide to resign your membership and request that your data is removed from our database we will fulfil this request promptly after confirming your resignation.